Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Tue Dinh specializes in providing pelvic and genital reconstruction, including gender reaffirming procedures at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery. With vast experience in performing male-to-female and female-to-male bottom surgeries, Dr. Dinh and the team at our Greater Houston area locations provide a variety of procedures for individuals looking for gender reaffirmation. Through customized treatment plans, Dr. Dinh can provide you with desirable results with his over 20 years of experience in providing gender reaffirming procedures. To learn more, we invite you to contact one of our Houston, TX area facilities to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Dinh and his skilled surgical team.
Pelvic/Genital Reviews
Genital/Pelvic Procedures
The genital/pelvic procedures provided at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery include:
- Vaginoplasty and clitoroplasty
- Labiaplasty
- Male-to-female bottom surgery (degloving penectomy, orchiectomy, inversion technique, urethral augmentation, bowel vaginoplasty, urethroplasty, vulvoplasty)
- Female-to-male bottom surgery (vaginectomy, metoidioplasty, clitoral enlargement, phalloplasty, urethral reconstruction, scrotal reconstruction, insertion of testicular and penile prosthesis)
Learn More About Your Options
Through innovative, customized procedure options, Dr. Dinh and his team at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery are able to successfully provide gender reaffirmation surgeries. In order to complete the final step in your transition, Dr. Dinh is able to lead you through a very important consultation. Learn more by contacting one of our Houston, TX area facilities to schedule an appointment with board-certified surgeon Dr. Tue Dinh.