In order to restore both the function and appearance of facial structures, our experienced surgeons at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery provide innovative procedure plans. Along with the treatment of facial paralysis and Bell's palsy, we also provide facial reconstruction procedures, allowing for both aesthetic and restorative results. Depending on the distinct needs of each patient, treatments are specially designed to create life-changing outcomes and an improved quality of life. The physicians currently providing facial surgeries at our Greater Houston locations include Dr. Eugene Alford and Dr. Michael Klebuc. To learn more about the innovative procedures we perform at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery, contact our state-of-the-art facility in the Texas Medical Center to schedule your initial consultation.
Face Reviews
Facial Procedures
Drs. Alford and Klebuc offer a wide array of procedures to restore facial functions, including:
- Surgical rehabilitation for Bell's palsy
- Treatment for facial paralysis (eye and brow procedures, smile restoration, lower lip symmetry procedures, refinement procedures)
- Septum repair
- Sinus surgery
- Facial reconstruction surgery
- Aesthetic and functional rhinoplasty
Restore Facial Functions
Our skilled facial surgeons at the Institute for Reconstructive Surgery are dedicated to allowing every patient the ability to experience fully functional and aesthetic results through innovative procedures. Through customized procedure plans, you can expect to receive an optimal outcome that can restore the proper use of facial structures. Contact one of our Houston, TX area locations to learn more and to schedule a consultation with one of our certified physicians.